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You've heard us say that classical style is never OUT.  Whether it's modern, coastal, traditional or zen...good taste is good taste and bad taste it this  a waste of money. Like the items that I am now carting around in my trunk vascilating between gifting them to Good Will or attempting a sale at a local upscale consignment shop from which I'd receive a hefty $12 net,.  Frankly, it's  probably not even worth my time to shlep the out there and have the snooty consignment ladies look down their reading glasses at me as if I'd brought them a dead rat.

Classical also means you might already own it or can find it easily for a reasonable price. That describes our love of chinese pottery that has for so many ages graced many a high end home.  So we have some inspirations for you that show off this long lasting style.

If your style is asian or eclectic, chinese pottery is a must.

Chinese garden stools continue to be a favorite.  Here they are mixed with great graphic prints. 

It's great grouped.
 A nod to chinese pottery in fresh patterns.  

These accessories have worked since the Ming Dynasty and will continue to do so. Get them, group them, and celebrate your style.  Or, if that process seems like too much to do, our designers will do it for you.  Freshen your family room today. 

Happy Home,

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